Read the biography of Ayush Kumar Soni in English language, which is written by Ayush Kumar Soni himself. In this biography, you will get to read a special information about Ayush Soni. Must read this special information, you will get amazing information that you have never seen before. You must have heard nor read about this biography, how did you like reading it, you must tell us by sending a WhatsApp message to this number 9669805462 #Biographyayushsoni
Read the biography of Ayush Kumar Soni in English language, which is written by Ayush Kumar Soni himself. In this biography, you will get to read special information about Ayush Soni. Must read this special information, you will get amazing information that you have never heard before. You will never read about this biography, how did you like reading it, you must tell us by messaging WhatsApp on this number 9669805462 You must read a special information in this biography, you must have never read about such information #Biographyayushkumarsoni Biography written by Ayush Soni #Biographyayushsoni ๐ Jai Maa Kali ๐ I am Ayush Kumar Soni, a very mischievous boy, who used to be in discussion in the whole village due to his naughty things in childhood. I was born on 6 June 2001 in Mission Hospital, Ambikapur, Surguja district of Chhattisgarh. My name is Ayush Kumar Soni. Like my whole childhood was spent in village Tarra only. I used to be very active, let me tell you once in m...